
Archive for February, 2009


Our family has a little Valentine’s tradition.    Every year on Valentine’s Day, before Scott goes to work, he takes a pack of little Valentine cards and hides them all over the downstairs of our house.   When the kids get up, they are so excited to run around and find the cards – all 32 of them!   When the kids were younger, the hiding places were kind of obvious.   As they are getting older the hiding places get more tough.   Some of the cards, I’m sure they won’t find for a couple days (if not weeks).    It’s kind of fun, when weeks from now, you hear one of them call out, “I just found a Valentine!”.  🙂

I John 3:16 tells us, “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us”.    God sent us the ultimate Valentine!   Dear God, thank you for sending your Son, and showing us what love truly is!

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Attitude – a little 3 syllable word, but it affects so much of our lives.    After hearing a sermon on this the other week, I now have a new saying for my kids (to the point where they say, “I know, I know…..”, and finish the saying for me).  🙂     After settling a few squabbles with my kids, our new family motto is, “We cannot control, nor are we responsible for what others do.  However, we can control, and we are responsible for our response and actions!”

As much as I would like to think that this is just a children’s issue, believe me – it’s not!    God has been working on my heart about my response to things that happen that I’m not fond of.     My Mother and I have another saying about, “Moving our minds up” (adopted from Beth Moore).    As a Mother, I’m trying to teach my children that they do have a choice of how they are going to respond, and if they choose the better way, not only will it please God, but they will be happier too.   A lesson we could all learn!

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