
Archive for April, 2010

Good Friday

Today we celebrate Good Friday.  It’s a day off school/work.  The weather is beautiful outside, life is good,……. and yet nothing about it was good for Jesus!    This is a day we set aside to remember the great pain that Jesus suffered for us.   Isaiah 53:3 says, “He was despised and rejected by men”.  Jesus endured great pain in His side, hands, feet, and most of all His heart!   Can we ever truly understand His suffering and what He did for us?  Probably not!  But oh, how we need to grasp our need for a Savior!!!

“Lord Jesus, thank you for enduring the cross for ME!   I am slowly learning what shame, condemnation, and sorrow you felt.  But now you are  in Heaven, exalted on high, and you live forever more.  Hallelujah, what a Savior!   I long for the day of your return when I will worship You face to face!”

“Man of Sorrows!” what a name
For the Son of God, who came
Ruined sinners to reclaim.
Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Bearing shame and scoffing rude,
In my place condemned He stood;
Sealed my pardon with His blood.
Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Guilty, vile, and helpless we;
Spotless Lamb of God was He;
“Full atonement!” can it be?
Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Lifted up was He to die;
“It is finished!” was His cry;
Now in Heav’n exalted high.
Hallelujah! What a Savior!

When He comes, our glorious King,
All His ransomed home to bring,
Then anew His song we’ll sing:
Hallelujah! What a Savior! 

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